Parents in the US have expressed serious concerns after it was revealed children have been playing a new game called ‘rape tag’ in the school playground.


Groups of children have reportedly changed the traditional game of tag so that they have to ‘hump’ each other to return to the game. A shocked mum, whose child attends Washington Elementary School in Minnesota, found out about the inappropriate break time game after spotting her child talking about it on, Facebook.

The school took immediate action, reports the Daily Mail, with children being spoken to in class as well as letters being sent home to parents. However, some mums and dads have been anxious about discussing such sexually explicit content with their children, sources suggest.

Bill Sprung, the school’s principle, said, “This age level of kids – 10, 11, 12 is a time when kids start to mature; start to experiment. Part of that experimentation is that they do things we wish they wouldn’t have done.”

How would you feel if you had to discuss this with your children? Let us know your thoughts below.


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