Gorge on chocolate!

We love this one. Indulging in a bit of what you fancy will make your baby happier, according to scientists at the University of Helsinki. Their study of more than 300 pregnant women revealed that babies of 6 months whose mums ate a bit of chocolate every day during their 40 weeks laughed and smiled more often than babies of mums who didn’t.


Take a refreshing walk

All exercise helps your baby's brain and other tissues start to work in tip-top condition, but the continuous rocking motion of walking has the added benefit of giving your little one a secure and comfy feeling.

Have a catnap

In your first trimester, a day at work can feel like you've just run a marathon. Yourbody's working overtime to make your baby's life-support system – the placenta – so taking naps will boost energy and help give your baby an excellent start.

Cry a little

One minute you're happy and excited, the next you're tearful. Mood swings caused by fluctuating hormones are most pronounced during your first trimester. But tears get rid of the stress hormones, so instead of worrying about blubbing the whole time, see it as nature’s way of protecting your little one.

Eat a spinach omelett

Eggs contain choline, which is vital for your baby's neurological centres for learning and memory. And spinach is a mum-to-be superfood! It's packed with folates, vitamin A and vitamin C, as well as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B6.

Invest in a house plant!

A modern property is full of hidden chemicals from household cleaners, paint and so on, none of which are great for your baby. One way to get rid of them is with houseplants. Spider plants, for example, are good at removing formaldehyde (common in paints). What a great excuse to drag your other half to the garden centre…


Do some pre-natal yoga

Pranayama breathing techniques you learn in yoga ensure a plentiful oxygen supply to your little one and calm your nervous system. Rent or buy a DVD such as Simple Yoga For Pregnancy
