
In a nutshell

A compact and good-value buy, but it feels too small to last long and the design may not appeal to all

What we tested

  • Fold/unfolding
    A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.
  • Manoeuvrability
    A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.
  • Comfort for child
    A star rating of 3.0 out of 5.
  • Style
    A star rating of 2.0 out of 5.
  • Durability
    A star rating of 4.5 out of 5.
  • Worth the money
    A star rating of 4.0 out of 5.
Overall Rating
A star rating of 3.7 out of 5.


  • Compact, sturdy, good tyres, swivel wheels, easy to store, suitable from birth, good value for money


  • Narrow, little padding in pushchair, limited colours, small basket, buggy positions baby low and close to ground

Infababy are fairly new to the market and, currently, you can only buy direct from the brand online. The buying process is simple, and the style – including the brand marketing – is similar to Ickle Bubba and iCandy.

Although the RRP is much higher than for an Ickle Bubba travel system, Infababy seems to have a permanent discount on the Primo that puts it on a par with an Ickle Bubba Stomp V3 All In One Baby Travel System with Isofix Base (currently £399.99 on Amazon) and the Chicco Trio Best friend Travel system (currently £399.99 on Amazon).

Discounted or not, the Primo is significantly cheaper than the likes of iCandy, Silver Cross and Bugaboo. The Infababy travel system bundle is generous and although the brand claims to have ‘spared no expense’, there are elements of this travel system that certainly don’t feel premium.

It’s also so small that although it’s built to last, your baby will probably outgrow it before you feel you’ve got your money’s worth.

Tested by:

Liz Bleakley lives in Manchester with baby Aidan, five months, and husband Steve. The buggy was tested in their local park while walking Ernest Hemingway, their King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. Liz has previously worked as a TV & Showbiz reporter for Mirror Online and now develops research-led news stories for some of the UK’s best-known brands.

What were your first impressions of the pushchair?

In all honesty, my first impression was that it’s very ‘blingy', coming in black with a gold geometric pattern. In another colour – such as the navy and grey colourway featured in the manual – it might be easier to look at.

Unboxing it, the components are all lightweight which makes unpacking and assembly much easier. There’s so much in the box that my second impression was, wow, you get a lot for your money!


How is the Infababy Primo different from the Infababy Ultimo travel system?

With the Infababy Ultimo there’s the option of a three- or four-wheel buggy, while the Primo only has a four-wheel buggy. Apart from that and some additional options for adjusting the handlebar, the products seem very similar.

The other main difference is the price – the Ultimo model is cheaper. Although the RRP of the Ultimo on the Infababy website is higher than that of the Primo, the site seems permanently discounted, with the Ultimo consistently cheaper.

On first glance, it seems like the extra cost for the Primo comes from additional quilting and comfort, but upon inspection of the product, the quilting looks more premium than it actually is.

The Ultimo also looks a little more sturdy, while one of the key selling points of the Primo is the lightweight frame and attachments.

How does it compare to other travel systems you have tried?

Overall, it feels compact – a feature that works both for and against this travel system. It’s narrow, with narrow attachments and although in theory it’s easy to put together and take apart, it’s actually tricky in practice. Other systems I’ve used have seemed much less fiddly, with less risk of trapped fingers and pinched skin!


What age is the Infababy Primo suitable for?

The Infababy Primo can be used from birth and claims to be adaptable for use up to 22kg or around 4 years old. My baby is just shy of six months and already looks quite cosy in the pushchair, with very little room for growth. The edge of the pushchair attachment is raised, so a taller baby certainly wouldn’t be comfortable. I’d be surprised if this served parents beyond the first year.

Does it come with a carrycot?

Yes, and it comes with a good mattress and the sides are nicely quilted. The base is slightly banked to help with colic or reflux, which will appeal to parents with newborns, but the width of the carrycot is so narrow that I wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving my newborn in it for overnight sleeping.

Is it easy to assemble the Infababy Primo?

Building the Infababy Primo is easy. The instructions are clear and you can have it set up in a few minutes. There are no complicated attachments – it's fairly intuitive, partly because the chassis itself is so simple.

A word of warning, though – I needed my husband’s help and some brute force to put the carrycot up and even more patience to disassemble it for storage. The rest of the system, however, is really easy.


Is the Infababy Primo seat unit comfortable for your child?

The seat unit looks nice, but the quilting is aesthetic – there’s no real padding. As a parent, I’d probably be looking for ways to make it more comfortable, but unfortunately, just like the carrycot, it’s very narrow. If you were to add your own padding to help keep baby warm and cosy, you really wouldn’t leave much room for baby to move.

How many recline positions are there?

There are three recline positions and the seat is simple to adjust. There’s a lever at the top of the seat attachment which releases the top part of the seat so you can switch between upright, reclined and flat.

However, the instructions state that you shouldn’t adjust the recline position while baby is in the pram – which seems to miss the point. If baby falls asleep while out on a walk and you want to recline them for comfort, you’d hardly want to risk waking them up to do so.


Is the Infababy Primo easy to fold?

Although it’s fairly simple to fold the pushchair, you definitely need two hands.

  • First, you fold the base of the seat up towards the hood, which gives you access to the bar in the middle of the frame underneath the seat.
  • Then, you press the button in the middle of the bar, which allows you to twist it round.
  • As you do this, you pull the handle up to fold the buggy.

How compact is the pushchair when folded and unfolded? Is it easy to store?

In front-facing mode, the system folds flat and is super compact, but in parent-facing position, the chair cannot lie flat against the frame – although it’s still very compact.

When folded in front-facing mode, the Primo buggy would be easy to store in an understairs cupboard or front porch area. It can also sit upright against a wall or door, so it’s great if you’re short on space.


How lightweight is the pushchair?

The frame itself is very lightweight, but once the chair is on top, it’s not quite so easy to manoeuvre. You can lift and carry it with one hand, though, which helps when loading the car.

Does the Infababy Primo fit in the boot of your car?

Yes, the Primo fitted into my boot when folded in either front- or rear-facing mode.

How easy is the Infababy Primo to push and steer?

I must admit that this pushchair steers beautifully. Even one-handed, it’s very responsive. The wheels can swivel to navigate different surfaces and the tyres themselves are puncture-proof and robust. I was concerned that because the frame is so lightweight, that this wouldn’t feel so sturdy, but for manoeuvrability it’s difficult to fault the Primo.


What is the Infababy Primo like to push on more challenging surfaces?

The tyres are wide enough not to cause issues on uneven surfaces, and the lightweight frame means that mounting kerbs is easy.

I was also able to ease the pram in and out of my house and up and down the steps at my door easily and without too much disruption to my son.

Although the seat doesn’t seem particularly cosy, its firm back and rigidity in each recline position means parents can be confident that uneven surfaces, kerbs, steps and cobbles won’t give their little one a bumpy ride.

What do you think of its wheels?

They’re hardy, puncture-proof and move smoothly, which is a big plus point.

Do the brakes on the Infababy Primo work well?

There’s one brake pedal on the Infababy Primo, which sits in the middle of the frame. It does the job and is easy to put on and off.

How easily can you access the basket and is it big enough to store everything you need?

It’s easy to access if you’re using the seat attachment in an upright position. If you’re using it in a reclined position or with the carrycot, then it’s a little more tricky.

This is because, strangely, the basket seems to sit right in the middle of the frame. You need to reach in underneath the frame to access the basket whether you’re at the front or the back of the pushchair and the basket itself is quite small. I could fit the raincover and my changing bag underneath but had to wrestle the bag in and out.

How is interacting with your child when in the Infababy Primo buggy?

The buggy can be forward-facing or rear-facing, depending on your preference, and there’s a window in the back of the hood so you can keep an eye on your little one if you’re using the buggy in forward-facing mode.

However, the frame is really low and the chair base has no depth, which means that you feel quite a way away from your baby. With the handlebar at its lowest point, you would be closer, but if you’re over five foot tall, you’ll want the handlebar on the other, higher setting – which takes you away from your little one.


What do you think of the handlebar?

The leather trim is a nice touch but the handlebar itself only has two height settings. At the lower setting it was very close to the seat and much too low for me, while at full height it was perfect, but if you’re somewhere between short and tall, you might find this a little frustrating.

Does the frame of the Infababy Primo feel sturdy and long-lasting?

Yes, for something so light, the frame really does feel robust. The brushed chrome effect means that scratches might ruin the aesthetic, but it is durable in every other way.

How effective is the hood?

There is a peekaboo window in the hood and it’s not disruptive to adjust the hood with baby in the pram. In the upright position you can pull the hood right down, which provides great cover and shade.


How did you like the look of the Infababy Primo pushchair?

It may just be personal taste, but aesthetically, I found it brash, cheap-looking and all a bit 'bling'. The price tag definitely makes it worth a second look, but I can’t imagine all new parents will want to push around a pram with gold trims and hearts on the side.

To be sure I wasn't imagining it, I canvassed some friends and they agreed – the visual design of the travel system is incredibly off-putting, which is a huge shame for such a well-priced, decent piece of kit.

The instruction manual showed the Primo in a navy and grey combination which is much more attractive, but the only models available online are the silver and gold options, which are garish.

What did you think of the car seat included in the Infababy Primo bundle?

The car seat is quite basic and, like the rest of the system, feels very small. It’s easy to install and can be used with an i-Size base or without.

For a newborn, parents would feel good putting their precious tiny bundles in the car seat as the newborn padding is really nice quality. However, once that’s removed, you’re left with a pretty basic car seat. All the material can be removed for washing and the hood can be removed if preferred.

The harness is also a plus point as it doesn’t require you to loop baby’s arm through like some car seats. With this one you bring each strap over your baby’s shoulder before clicking in, so there’s no need to wrestle your little one into position.


Whats in the box?


  • Wheels
  • Car seat
  • Two sets of adaptors for attaching components to frame
  • Pushchair / seat
  • One foot muff (for pushchair)
  • Safety guard (for pushchair)
  • Carrycot
  • Two carrycot covers
  • Raincover

The inventory that came with the product and indeed the online bundle promises a changing bag too, but this wasn’t included in my box.

Are there any additional extras that you need to or can buy?

Infababy’s website offers two bundles, one of which includes the Isofix base for a car. If you’re going to buy this travel system, then it makes sense to get the bundle with the Isofix or i-Size base included so that you’re sure of compatibility.


What would you have wanted to know before you bought the pushchair?

In all honesty, I’d have wanted to test the pushchair in person before committing to purchase and because Infababy is an online-only brand, with no showrooms as of yet, this wouldn’t have been possible.

It’s likely that most new parents traipse around various shops to test prams before buying. If you’d done that and then had the Infababy Primo arrive at your home, you’d definitely notice the difference in size. Babies grow quickly and, unfortunately, the Infababy Primo doesn’t cater for that.

Who would the Infababy Primo be most useful for?

Parents with smaller babies and children! Otherwise, this pram is good for parents who like to get out and about as a family. The tyres are good quality and mean the Infababy Primo is great on any terrain, plus it’s small enough to fold up and fit into most car boots.

What was your favourite feature?

For me, being able to fold the pushchair flat, with the seat still attached and then carry it with one hand is the stand-out feature. Parents rarely have one hand free and this pushchair has obviously been designed with this in mind.

Is the Infababy Primo travel system value for money?

It's difficult to fault the price tag attached to this bundle. To get a car seat, travel cot, pushchair, rain cover, changing bag and foot muff for less than £500 is impressive. At first, I was put off that the bundle is so cheap – but for the money, it’s a great buy as you get a lot for your money, and I think a lot of parents would agree.

However, the design means that, in a line-up of other options, you’d be unlikely to choose the Infababy Primo, which is a shame because, for the money, it is worth a second look. However, if you have a family history of big babies, then you might not get more than a year out of this.

Would you recommend the Infababy Primo travel system?

I would recommend Infababy as a brand as they obviously take pride in their products and put a lot of thought into making life simple for parents.

This travel system is easy to put together and take apart. The frame feels sturdy, and overall the whole system is as robust as many others on the market. Some of the folding features on this model are brilliant and wouldn’t be found on more expensive models.

However, I wouldn’t recommend this particular system just because it’s so unattractive. If they got rid of the silvers and golds, the decorative hearts and flashy patterns, I think they’d appeal to more customers.

Where can you buy the Infababy Primo?

The Infababy Primo can only be bought online directly from the retailer.

MadeForMums verdict

For smaller babies, this travel system is perfect, providing everything you need for a new baby at a good price. The buggy is great to push and the compact fold, even with the seat attached, is great and will appeal to parents who are short on space. However, the distinctive design makes this system an acquired taste.



Product Specifications

Suitable for
Age fromBirth
Age to4 years
Both seats suitable from birthNo
Weight up to22kg
Travel system compatibleYes
Compatible car seats
  • standard i-size car seat - includes Infababy Nexo Next Stage i-Size
Seat facing directionForward facing
Front wheelsQuick release and four-wheel suspension
Tyre typeLatest technology tubeless PU rubber tyres
Recline positionsMulti-position
Recline noteReclinable/Removable Hood with parent window
Lie flatNo
  • Easy press foot brake
  • Quick fold system
  • Fully removable and washable covers
  • Can be used as a full travel system with the Infababy® Primo car seat (Included)


  • Fully ventilated construction for maximum air flow & breathability
  • infatex™ breathable fabrics for maximum comfort
  • slightly banked to keep babies head raised, meaning there is a slight angle down in order to reduce baby sickness and colic

Car seat

  • Suitable from birth up to 13kgs, or 4-28lbs
  • Removable sun protection hood included
  • Removable/washable material
Accessories included
  • Cosy toes for stroller
  • Eco Leather covered handle and bumper bar
  • Rain cover 
  • Tubeless tyres
Optional extras
  • Infababy® i-Size Car Seat Base
  • Infababy® Nexo Next Stage i-Size Car Seat