If you've ever used a breast pump to express your milk, you'll know how awkward AND noisy it can be and let's face it, it's not the most attractive contraption you get to try out as a new mum. One of our team members at MFM HQ said she felt like a "cow being milked" every time she used hers.


And so we were hallelujahing when we heard about this invention on Kickstarter. It's been created by an American woman who read an article on breast pumps in a magazine that asked sensibly enough:

"Shouldn't the breast pump be as elegant as an iPhone and quiet as a Prius by now?"


One of the key differences between this pump - called the Babyation - and the others on the market is that the bottles aren't attached directly to the breast shields. Instead there are tubes that go under your bra and down to a bottle where the milk is collected.

The tubes are long enough so that you can stash the bottles discreetly by your side rather than having them sitting awkwardly on your chest.

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Plus, the pump is controlled by an app AND it's designed to be loads quieter than regular pumps.

In America, where women have far shorter maternity leave than we do in the UK, there's a particular need for breastfeeding mums to pump on the go, often in the car or at work.

And while over here we probably pump more in our own homes, we like the idea of more subtle pumping machine.

Watch this space to see if the Babyation comes to market soon...

What do you reckon? Would you use a pump like this? Tell us in the comments below.

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
