How have you managed to juggle motherhood with your career and cope with pregnancy at the same time?

On paper, having two boys, a career and being pregnant again all at the same time sounds quite manic but I have great support from my husband, Riad Erraji, and my parents are always on hand to help out and show support.


How do you manage to fit in any time for yourself?

After I've put the boys to bed and sorted out what needs to be done for the following day, like packed lunches and uniforms, I love nothing more than to run a nice hot Radox bubble bath and light some candles while I have a long soak.

You're no longer with Josh and Harry's dads but you married Riad in 2007. How do all the boys get on and what do they enjoy getting up to together?

Just like any family with two small kids and one big kid, the boys are always up to mischief, playing pranks and wrestling. Riad takes the boys to football on Saturdays -they all love it and always come back exhausted.

You're expecting baby number three in June, how do you think you'll cope with all the pressure when there's another baby to look after on top of everything else?

I have no idea what life will be like but from experience, after the initial first manic few weeks, we will settle into a nice routine... hopefully.

Now you're an old hand at having babies, how have you found this pregnancy?

This pregnancy has been similar to when I had Josh and I have been lucky with morning sickness. I do enjoy being pregnant but it's also nerve wracking at the same time.

Do you know the sex of the baby - are you hoping for a girl to balance things out?

I don't know the sex of the baby yet but I can't wait to find out in a couple of weeks' time. We're not fussed what sex it is, so long as it's healthy we'll be happy.

How do you manage to stay in shape during pregnancy and what are your tips for losing the baby bulge?

During all of my pregnancies I've worked up until the birth which has kept me healthy. My tips to other mums-to-be for losing the baby bulge would be not to stress about your weight and eat as healthily as you can. Taking the baby out in the pram for stroll is a good way to stay fit.

There's a lot of pressure on celebs to get back in their size 8 jeans straight after birth, how do you feel about that?

After I have the baby my main priority will be looking after it and not losing weight.

Have you thought about what sort of birth you'd like?

Yes, I'd like a water birth if possible but because I've had two previous emergency c-sections I don't know if it will be possible this time round... fingers crossed!

There's a lot in the press about competition between celeb mums outdoing each other at the school gates. What's your school run style?

My school run style is very casual. I will grab something easy to put on like skinny jeans and a T-Shirt. Most of the time I have my UGG boots on which are cosy for the morning run.


How has motherhood changed you?

It's changed me for the best. When you are a mum you find it hard to be selfish and I always put others first. That's why statistics show that in a woman's lifetime you only spend three years on yourself. So mums, it's time to take some time out for yourself!

Natasha Hamilton has teamed up with Radox Be-Selfish campaign to encourage all mums to take some time out for themselves. Catch up on how Sara Cox is getting on with her New Year's Selfish resolution.