Pics of David Beckham at the Natural History Museum, ice-skating with his kids, were everywhere this morning, and left me with a tinge of guilt at my flat-out refusal to go on the ice with my 6-year-old at a Christmas festival last weekend.


Him and the kids look like they're having such FUN! But after a major fall on the ice last year (she slipped and fell, and me, holding her hand, slipped and fell straight after) I've vowed I'm NEVER doing it again. It really, really scared me TBH.

Last year's fall was so bad we both had to be picked up by 6 foot elves asking if we were OK.

And through the day we had strangers coming up to ask if we were OK (yes, the reverberations were THAT loud).

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harper beckham skating

And yet, kids have short memories. So, when we ventured back again this year for more festive fun, my daughter was delighted to see the ice rink and cried A LOT when I said we weren't going on.

I did wonder if her dad might volunteer this time (seems like it was his turn, after all) but he said just watching us crash last year was enough to put him off for life ?

And with no adults willing, our sweet little girl simply didn't get to go.

A lot of blubbing and about 5 candy canes later she was happy enough to skip the skating. But are we out of order? Should we get over our demons and try it again for her sake?

Or is it OK to say no, we're just not prepared to break legs, ankles, elbows or wrists to keep her happy?

Maybe it's time for family ice-skating lessons? ⛸️⛸️⛸️

What do you think?

Do you like ice-skating, or do you try to avoid it? Do you think it's a shame to let one fall put you off for life? Or do you get why some people are just terrified of it?!

Tell us in the comment below or over on Facebook

Image: David Beckham on Instagram

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Tara BreathnachContent Editor and Social Media Producer

Tara is mum to 1 daughter, Bodhi Rae, and has worked as Content Editor and Social Media Producer at MadeForMums since 2015
