We hear you’re Team Green Britain’s travel hero. What does this mean you have to do?


My challenges all focused around travel, so I’ve been incorporating more cycling into my weekly routine and I’ve got a lower emissions car. I was the type of person who would take the car to the corner shop, but now I’ve been shown so many solutions to excuses I used to make in the past. As a mum, you always think you’re too busy! The biggest thing for me was the bike panniers, as I could cycle to the shops and fit all of my weekly shopping in them.

How have you taught your daughters to be more eco-aware and what top tips can you share with other mums?

It’s important to make it fun for your children. Recycling is a great opportunity for learning. Cycling is also great fun and a perfect family activity. I think with the age that my children are, it’s a really good time to give them this information. I’ve also been teaching the girls how it will affect them if they’re not eco-aware.

All that cycling must be great exercise too…

Oh, you have no idea! One thing I don’t have time for is to go to the gym, so doing something that I enjoy and combining exercising with the shopping…what’s better than that! Team Green Britain has lots of family bike events taking place over the summer too, so I’m really looking forward to taking my girls along.

How do you manage to juggle motherhood with your career?

I don’t find it difficult. I was a young mum and I had my first daughter when I was 20, so it’s been something that has just been a part of my adult life. But I was never a party girl beforehand, so I didn’t have to make many changes. Motherhood gave me a reason to knuckle down, and my kids are a fantastic addition to my life.

How has motherhood changed you?

It’s definitely made me more responsible and slightly more organised! I think about my future and the impact of my actions on my daughters. It also makes me more aware of the impact I have on other people’s children as a role model. Every change that’s occurred has been for the better.

You home school your daughters – what made you decide to do this?

I have nothing against schools, I think they’re fantastic, but it just didn’t work for our family. My girls weren’t happy and as a parent you have to be confident to make the right decision for your family. I now have happier and more confident children and academically it’s much better for them. It’s done them the world of good.

You’ve been out of the limelight for a little while. Are you planning on making a comeback to the music world?

I’m actually recording at the moment and I’m about to sign a new record deal, so it’s a really exciting time for me. I’ve really missed performing; I keep saying I feel like Theo Walcott watching the World Cup from the sidelines! I can’t wait to get back out on stage, doing what I do best.


To find out how to get your family involved in Team Green Britain's events, take a look at the website.
